Creativity in Krav Maga

Over the past couple of months, I've been thinking about my loves of creativity and Krav Maga and wondering if there is some sort of overlap between the two I could discuss here. But is Krav Maga really creative or is it just a way to defend yourself against an attacker? I guess you can be pretty creative about the way you deliver an onslaught of strikes against someone, but that's kind of a stretch for a creativity blog. And maybe a little too aggressive.

But this week, I had the opportunity to sit down with the lead instructor of my gym, Carl, and a few of my friends who are considering becoming instructors. Carl talked about his desire to create more of a Krav community and how, after an exodus of experienced practitioners from the gym after it became more focused on cardio than self-defense, he wanted to quickly train up people who had been coming for a few years so that newer people had someone they could look up to and learn from.

And then the group talked about creative warm-up drills we could incorporate that would introduce Krav Maga movements the instructors would be teaching later in the class (kind of like wax on/wax off from Karate Kid).

So yeah, there it was. Using creativity in my Krav Maga gym. Twice in one night! But I guess it shouldn’t have been that much of a surprise, because if you really look for it, there is creativity in everything people are doing.
