Creative conversation- take 2

So a little over a month ago, when I thought this blog was basically just going to be me interviewing people about why they love to creative, I decided to walk into a small “gift shop and creative hub” down the street from me to talk to the owners about why they opened the store. But then I very quickly chickened out. It just seemed like too much pressure! And who was I to interview them? I mean, I had published exactly one blog post before walking into the store. Not much street cred there.

Since then, I’ve started exploring my own creative journey a little more through this blog and don’t really feel like I need to rely on interviews for my posts (Instagram is another story though. What exactly am I doing with that???). Which means…less pressure in talking to other people about their creative journeys and that allowed me to easily walk in and start up a 15-minute conversation with Laura, one of the owners. And it was awesome!

No straight interview, but she had a really interesting story and brought up a number of ideas and a creativity podcast that I’m going to dedicate some time to in future posts (I’m trying to post something every day or two, so don’t want to spill everything all at once!). For now though, I’ll just say that I’m at least feeling a bit more confident about this project than I did last month. And that growth feels pretty darn good.

Also, I’m gonna sign up for one of her classes…stop by too if you are near Oakland!